The only species of Fox that calls Northern Ontario home is the Red Fox, but this fox doesn’t look very red does it?
Interestingly, there are two major colour morphs to the Red Fox – the Silver Fox and the Cross Fox. The latter of which accounts for 1/4 to 1/3 of the Red Fox population in Canada.
So…this is a Red Fox, but it is also a Cross Fox. Confused yet? You can tell this is a Red Fox because despite the black and morphed colouration it still has a white-tipped tail. The only other species of Fox in Ontario is the Grey Fox (in Southern Ontario), which has a black-tipped tail.
I can say it is definitely the ugliest fox I’ve ever seen. But this Cross Fox was a great hunter, I managed to follow it hunting for over an hour and saw it successfully catch one mouse-like critter, perhaps a vole. This Cross Fox was photographed near Esker Lakes Provincial Park in Ontario.