One beautiful thing about travel is that you get to try different cuisines and local delicacies.
As a meat-eater, that means I get to try eating different animals in different countries. Sometimes it’s not quite as great as hoped for, such as toad’s legs in Cambodia; while other times I’m pleasantly surprised.

Over the years I’ve sampled many good, and bad, creatures. You may find some of these to be odd animals to eat, but to me – they’re all tasty animals! While there are hopefully many more deliciously odd animals to eat in my future, here is my current run down of 10 surprisingly tasty animals.
Bon appetit!
#1 – Camel
Sweet and tangy, perhaps my favourite meat overall. I can’t really say exactly how it tastes, except that it had an actually sweet flavour to it. Unlike any other meat I’ve enjoyed, even the related Alpacas and Llamas. I would make this a more regular meal, except that camel meat is hard to find. On a side note – apparently baby camel meat is extremely popular in Saudi Arabia!
#2 – Alligator / Caiman / Crocodile
They’re all pretty similar from my limited dining experiences. If you’ve only had little fried ‘bites’ of an alligator tail it doesn’t really count. You need to get a nice slab of meat, a Caiman steak for example. There is a good amount of squishy ‘fat’ on them, but the more meaty portion is tender and flaky – resulting in something that tastes like a fish that ate a chicken. The easiest of these to get at home in Toronto is imported, farmed crocodile meat from Australia.

#3 – Ostrich
I first had Ostrich in Africa, but luckily there is an Ostrich farm not too far from home. It’s a healthy meat that is perfect for things like kebabs or burgers. Not overly gamey, but it does have a somewhat strong flavour making sure you know you’re eating something different. I enjoy the slightly longer lingering after-taste of Ostrich as it isn’t too strong. A little Ostrich tenderloin with a mixed-green salad is my favourite way to go.

#4 – Manta Ray
To be 100% honest I don’t know if it was Manta Ray or a different kind of ray that I ate on multiple occasions in Borneo. It was definitely ray and I was told Manta Ray each time I asked, but I’ve also been told since then that it may be a protected species? I haven’t verified that claim though. What I can verify is that the Ray I ate was among the tastiest items at a dinner buffet in Mulu National Park. It tasted meaty, with a slight fish flakiness. Similar texture and consistency to Caiman, but denser.
#5 – Horse
Horse meat is common in Quebec, Canada. You go to a grocery store and see ground beef, ground turkey, ground veal and ground horse meat. Surprisingly, the horse meat is often cheaper than the beef too. I’ve had ground horse meat more times than I can remember now, but a tender horse steak is the way to go. Succulent and super tender, better than beef in my opinion. It’s a controversial meat that some say comes from old race horses that have been pumped full of questionable drugs over their lifetimes. Perhaps. Or perhaps the horses I’ve eaten have been raised for that sole purpose. One thing is for sure – I’ve had my fair share of troublesome horse rides and horses with attitudes during my travels and adventures. So, for me, dining on horse is a bit of tasty revenge.

#6 Wild Boar
Ok, this may not be the most surprising entry as Wild Boar is a somewhat common meat in North America, Australia and New Zealand. I’ve had Wild Boar in burger and sausage form numerous times, but the Wild Boar ribs I had in New Zealand were by far the best. Even the rack of Wild Boar I cooked at home recently couldn’t stack up to the meaty, sticky ribs I had on New Zealand’s south island. So tender and juicy – delicious.

#7 – Wapiti and Elk
Wapi-what? Wapiti is essentially another name for Elk. This large deer species is a great protein-rich meat. From Montana to Montreal – if I see Elk or Wapiti steak on a menu, it’s destined for my fork. I enjoy the natural taste of both meats, without needing any real seasoning besides salt and pepper.

#8 – Bison
The second largest ungulate found in North America (after the Musk Ox). This is easily the most commonly accepted, and eaten animal on this list. But, for foreigners visiting Canada or the US, Bison can be a surprise meat discovery. It’s a feel-good food to me, as I’ll opt for a big Bison burger from time to time. Sometimes with some bacon on top, for a little extra animal love.
#9 – Impala
What is it about hoofed animals that makes them so tasty?
Impala is a common antelope from Africa, which could easily find it’s place on dinner menus at swank restaurants around the world if it were more readily available. Tender, juicy and full of flavour, give it a go next time you’re in Africa! When I first had Impala in Botswana I was actually surprised at how tender it was, after having seen them leap and bound around so much in the wild I figured they had to be a tough meat. But, find the right cut and you’ll understand why the ‘Big Cats’ of Africa find Impala so irresistible.

#10 – Alpaca and Llama
Oh baby, perhaps the best meal I had in Bolivia was a big Llama steak cooked over a grill out on the salt flats. It was the first of a few Llama steaks I had in Bolivia and definitely won’t be the last. After recently visiting Peru, I was finally able to test out the theory held by other travellers I know that Alpaca tastes even better than Llama. Better? Perhaps…I tried succulent, tasty morsels of Alpaca meat almost every day I was in Peru, it was that good! At home in Canada it is growing in popularity to start an Alpaca farm for their wool. So every time I drive by one of those farms now, I’m sad that they’re not meat farms. Watch out Alpacas and Llamas, I’m coming back for you one day.

There you have it, ten tasty species, plus a couple of extra relatives thrown in for good measure! Did any of these surprise you? If you have an animal to add to my surprisingly tasty animals list, leave a comment and I’ll seek it out on my travels! Oh, and watch for my not-so-tasty animals list coming soon too!
Eat ya later…
I’ve had 3,5,6,7,8 and 10 – all delicious. Although with a lot of these, particularly elk and horse you need to know how to cook them.
Ayngelina recently posted..Food Friday: Chowder for a cause
Hey Ayngelina! Ya, horse can be an unforgiving meat…I’ve had good fortune cooking Elk though. You really need to scope out some tasty Camels to try!
I’ve had #’s 8,7,6,2. Would love to knock off the whole list one day though. I noticed shark was missing from the list. It’s very sweet and tender if you have a chance to try it.
Kenin- TheConstantRambler recently posted..National Automobile Museum Reno: Review and Travel Guide
I haven’t had shark yet…definitely will try it if the opportunity arises beyond shark fin soup or the nasty fermented shark up in Iceland!
Shark steak…all I can say is …..Mmmmmm. Very good, but be careful not to cook it too much since it does get a little tough. I’ve had it fried and grilled. Personally, I preferred the latter. Happy eating!
I’ve only ever had #2, but kangaroo is surprisingly tasty, as long as you don’t over-cook it. It’s also quite healthy as it’s very lean 🙂
Lilian recently posted..That Time I had to Help Slaughter a Cow on the Cattle Station
Hey Lilian! Kangaroo….I have had, but can’t decide if it belongs on this list or not. I need to have it again!
I’ve had 2, 3, 6, 7 and 8 on this list. Horse meat is readily available in Italy from restaurants to the grocery store and even as a pizza topping. I can’t bring myself to try it though because I had horses as a child. Feels like trying dog to me.
Another tasty meat I tried recently was kangaroo. And I love reindeer meat!
Jennifer recently posted..Tips for Driving Iceland’s Ring Road in Winter
I understand the horse=pet obstacle Jennifer. Oddly though I had friends this summer who both either owned horses or trained people to ride them…and they both wanted to eat horse! Weird? Haha.
I would certainly eat a bite from all of those given a chance! Wild boar is quite a treat here in Hungary along with the sweet truffle. I know my many fiber loving friends would have a hard time with the llama and alpaca – especially if the fleece is beautiful 🙂 But my husband and I have eaten a few Angora rabbits in our lifetimes…
Wow, Angora rabbits are those big ones aren’t they? that would be a meal and a half! Ha….I do enjoy rabbits…
I’ve eaten 3,6 and 9 all delicious! I can also add reindeer to the list which I ate in Denmark – it was really tasty, don’t know what Santa would think though….
Hey Suzanne…I don’t think I have had Reindeer yet, although I can find it nearby, so it may make my next list, despite what Santa may think! 😉
That’s some crazy meats you’ve tried! I’d like to try a good number of meats on that list one day, especially llama and ostrich 🙂 Zebra and kangaroo are on my list too!
Cheryl Keit recently posted..Places: 2013 – part two
Hey Cheryl! I’d also love to try Zebra. Something about those hoofed animals…oh so good!
Seal isn’t bad either. And whale, if done right.
Sophie recently posted..Scotland Street, Edinburgh
Seal? As long as it isn’t too blubbery I imagine it would take decent! Will definitely need to try it, I know it’s possible to get in Quebec.
What about rats ? An animal the untouchables of Southern Nepal eat. Or hedgehog ? An animal eaten by the Gypsies in Europe.
Rats are popular in many places, although I’ve never eaten one (yet!) I know people who tried river rats in the Amazon. Many small animals like rats, hedgehogs and squirrels don’t have a big appeal to me. I don’t expect them to be tasty…but I would still try them given the chance.
Ohh I can’t believe you ate Lama! I didn’t even know you could eat those!
Horse is very yummy. I’m from a town in Holland that is known for their horse sausage, I sometimes secretly crave it even tough I haven’t eat meat for 10 years
Angela recently posted..How To Avoid Sunburn On a Motorbike Tour in Vietnam
If you like horse Angela, then you’ll like Llama…it really is tender and similar to beef. Soooo good!
What about bugs? I’m vegetarian, but break it to sample insect cuisine. I’ve only ever had crickets in Mexico and beetle larvae in Ecuador, but I continue to seek them out 🙂
Cassie recently posted..In Cold Blood: Galapagos Marine Iguanas
Bugs…..haha, maybe I should start eating more bugs! I think I’ve only had ants and some chocolate covered cricket or something. That’s impressive about the beetle larvae Cassie!
Jeez! I sincerely doubt you ate a Manta Ray. Maybe a sting ray, but either way..why? Please don’t eat shark fin soup, that would be just awful.
On a lighter note, come to Korea and try some Bosintang. I haven’t tried it myself but I hear the broth is really delicious and the meat is just meh.
Natalia | Always Trekking recently posted..Climbing Mount Kinabalu in One Day – Sabah, Malaysia
Whatever Ray it was – it was tasty! Haha. I lived/worked in Korea for a while…but sadly never really got along with the country and can’t remember if I ever had Bosintang.
Have you ever had a rodent called a packa I was in brazil for a month in the jungle and we hunted packa one night. It feed us for 3 day and there was 4 of us. The animal is about 15-20 pounds tops but it tastes great alittle like goat and beef mixed up. The meat is tuff so you must boil it for about 1-2 hours so the meat just falls off the bone. Best thing I ate on my trip…..
Hey Troy! No I hadn’t heard (or seen) a paca before…even though I have been in South America many times. They do look tasty, haha. perhaps an animal I will put on a “10 more tasty animals” list if I get to try it!
I’ve had seven out of ten from this list! I just age frog for the first time the other day in Cambodia and loved that. Some all time favourites missing here are bear which I had in Finland and Kudu in Uganda, highly recommend both!
Leckie recently posted..Myanmar or Burma? A Tourist Perspective
Well done on the frog Leckie! Tasty things aren’t they? I would love to try bear, but the only way to get it at home is to know a hunter who has killed one, as it’s not legal to buy/sell bear meat.
No guinea pig? The list isn’t complete without it!
Sean recently posted..A Foodie’s Night Out in Cusco Peru
Ahhh, cuy! I’ve had it more than once…..will have to wait and see if it makes it onto Tasty Animals #2 list…coming soon 😉
This list makes me feel a little bit sick and extremely glad to be a vegetarian!
Some vegetables are tasty too! You probably won’t want to see my “10 more tasty animals” pst when it comes out though… 😉
I like meats, I have only eaten ostrich out of the list. I will like to try all one day.
I am surprised 😯
How someone taste so many strange meats. For me just chicken, Mutton & few regular types of fish mostly sweet water fish🤪