All posts by Red Hunt

A former journalist and business analyst that now works in the world of travel marketing. Based in Toronto, Red Hunt has travelled to more than 50 countries over the past 15 years. You can follow Red on Instagram or Twitter.

Wildlife Photo: Waterbuck



Wildlife Photo: Waterbuck
A large antelope, the Waterbuck, taking a rest in the Serengeti


One of the larger antelopes of Africa, the Waterbuck is also very widely spread. They’re found in West, Central, East and Southern Africa, across much of the entirely of Sub-Saharan Africa. Despite this, I only managed to see a couple of them during my time in East Africa.

As with many antelopes they prefer dry grass and scrub lands (not water, as their name implies). From a distance they have a similar profile to many of the deer commonly seen at home in North America – except of course the males which grow two piercing, long horns.

This male Defassa Waterbuck was photographed in the Serengeti,  lying in the cool grass and taking a break from the afternoon heat.



National Wildlife Week in Canada

Hey wildlife friends, it’s National Wildlife Week in Canada this week.

Every year, on whichever week April 10th falls, is National Wildlife Week. The Canadian Wildlife Federation runs events and contests during this time to help get everyone – in particular youngsters – interested in wildlife and the outdoors.

If you’re a fan of Canadian nature and the animals that make their homes in our lakes and forests, then enjoy this selection of Canadian creatures from Ontario and Quebec.

Hope you have time to get outdoors for a hike this week!

Photo of a Deer
A Deer photographed in Sleeping Giant Provincial Park, Ontario


Chipmunk Photo
A Chipmunk photographed in Arrowhead Provincial Park, Ontario


Midland Painted Turtle Photo
A Painted Turtle photographed in Point Pelee National Park, Ontario


Moose Photo in Algonquin Park
Moose photographed in Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario


Groundhog Photo
Groundhog photographed in Wakami Lake Provincial Park, Ontario


Red Squirrel Photo
Red Squirrel photographed in Killarney Provincial Park, Ontario


Beaver Photo
Beaver photographed in Parc national d'Aiguebelle, Quebec


Wildlife Photo: Sally Lightfoot Crab



Wildlife Photo: Sally Lightfoot Crab
A Colourful Sally Lightfoot Crab on Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos


One of the most colourful creatures of the Galapagos Islands and Pacific Ocean coastlines of the Americas!

You see these red, orange, yellow and white crabs almost everywhere in the Galapagos. On remote coasts, clinging to lava rocks on beaches and walking along docks in the few villages of the islands.

Everyone in the Galapagos islands seems to call them Sally Lightfoot crabs, supposedly named after a beautiful dancer from a sailors legend. They are also known as Red Rock crabs…but their official name actually sounds the coolest: Grapsus grapsus.


Your GPS is Ruining your Road Trip

Raise your hand if you’re reliant on your vehicle’s GPS.

My GPS - A Road Atlas
My GPS - The National Geographic Road Atlas - Adventure Edition

Shame on you.

I hate to say I know people who drive the same route to work every day but always program their GPS to guide them there. Drivers have lost their sense of adventure and built-in navigation abilities. Is your GPS really ruining you? I doubt it, but it is likely doing a good job at sucking the sense of adventure out of you.

I’ve seen way too many people panic when their GPS does something they don’t expect, it’s like we’ve stopped being able to think for ourselves. Who can enjoy a drive where every minute and second is ticked away by a GPS? If you miss a turn, what is the worst thing that can happen? Your GPS won’t explode and the road won’t turn into a car-eating lava monster.

It seems there is a GPS in almost every car now. I remember the first time I saw one, someone told me they had it only in case they got lost somewhere. Great! It was a back-up to their own driving skills. I don’t know when it changed…not long ago, but it seems that the GPS has taken centre stage as drivers get lazier and lazier. I don’t have a car GPS, nor have I ever paid for one in a rental car. I don’t plan to either.

The GPS-less Road Trip

I encourage everyone to turn off their GPS and try to remember how much fun driving can be. My GPS is a National Parks book from National Geographic, an Ontario Road Map and an odometer. Yep – old school. Sure, if you have a high profile meeting on a business trip I get the need for being on time and using a GPS. There is a time and place for every bit of technology – I just think the GPS is ruining road trips.

Why no GPS?

For car rentals, it’s a waste of money. You can pay for dinner with how much they charge you for daily GPS use. Plus – secret tip – if you rent from a big chain like National or Hertz, the GPS will likely be installed in the car anyway, meaning it is often available to use for free.

Road to Nowhere
Random Road in New Zealand. No GPS Required - Just head for the Mountains


How do I know that? Well, I’ll admit that I have tried the GPS that was included in some of my rental cars – but I’ve never paid for it.

Second, for any vehicle, I prefer to listen to the sounds of the road, chat with other passengers or listen to some music while on a road trip, not the beeps and voice of a GPS.

But, what if I get lost?

I do get lost. You will probably get lost without a GPS too. But, so what? That is part of the fun of road trips and part of what makes looking at a map exciting. Unlike a simple GPS, you can look at a map and see that in 20 miles or 30 kilometres, the road you’re on will intersect another road. You can see the ‘big picture’ of your road trip and change plans on the fly. So you don’t have to know exactly where you are at that moment, you just need to know where you want go next.

Saskatoon Map
So Many Choices...Every Road leads to Adventure


The worst thing you can do on a road trip is treat it like a race to the office to beat rush hour traffic, or a panicked drive to get to your gym class on time. Allow yourself some freedom. If you need to schedule things out, then schedule a few hours for doing nothing – because something always comes up.

Now, I am not saying to lose total control and end up in a ditch on a rural road somewhere. Just have a map in your car in case you do get lost, or use your car GPS or smart phone GPS if you have an emergency.

How will I know where I am going?

Well, remember that anywhere there are roads the sun will rise in the east and set in the west. If you know you need to head south, then it should be easy to figure out what general direction you need to drive. Highways and freeways are usually labelled north, south, east and west too, convenient huh?

Pick a National Park
Four Great National Parks - Pick a Road and Start Driving...


Plus, how does your GPS know where you’re going? Remember that your GPS can get lost too. What if it loses connection with a satellite? What if the map routes on your electronic device are out of date? If you’re going anywhere remote at all, have a backup plan that isn’t electronic – people have died because they blindly followed wrong directions given to them by their GPS!

Just try it on your next road trip. Put the digital tracking toys away and let your eyes, and a real paper map, guide you. Make a game of it even, take bets on how many times you’ll get lost or miss a turn. You may just be pleasantly surprised with what you discover when you’re lost and aren’t being controlled by a machine.

Sailing the Tocorime – Brazil’s Adventurous Spirit

There is a wooden ship that took six years to build, by hand, deep in the Amazon jungle. That ship’s name is the Tocorimé Pamatojari, which means Adventurous Spirit.

Tocorimé Pamatojari
Chilling out on the Tocorimé Pamatojari near Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


I was lucky enough to sail on this great ship on a sun-soaked adventure along the coast of Brazil from Paraty to Rio de Janeiro.

Of all the boats I’ve been on – big and small – the Tocorime is the only one that had a special aura to it. The dedication and hard work put into building such a beautiful ship, was amazing. For example – the keel of the ship is a massive piece of wood that was dragged through the Amazon jungle for more than 3.5 months – by 25 men!

Every day was filled with another bit of detail about the types of wood used in the ship, or how it was built. Everyone who worked on the ship seemed happy and proud to be connected to it in some way.

Adventurous Spirit Idol on the Tocorime
Wooden Idol on the Adventurous Spirit


It is a ship full of stories, of epic adventure. In a time when it seems every corner of the world has been explored and few real adventurers still exist, the story of the Tocorime shines bright.

Tocorimé Pamatojari Tall Ship
The Tocorimé Pamatojari Tall Ship


What made it even more exciting was getting dirty and helping out by setting sails, taking the helm and assisting in navigation. As someone who had no sailing experience, I had no idea what to expect, but the crew was amazing and the time on the ship was special.

Tocorime Tall Ship
Sails are Hoisted, the Mast of the Tocorime Tall Ship


It would have been a great adventure even if I stayed on the ship for an entire week, but the benefit of being on a boat is that you can also visit remote villages that are inaccessible by road, or stop for a quick swim in the ocean.

Drinking Skol on the Tocorime
Drinking Skol and Sailing the Ship in Brazil


From waterfall hikes to sleeping in a hammock under the stars, my time on the Tocorime is full of fond memories. If I were ever to become rich and have my own boat, I can imagine I’d want it to be something unique, with an adventurous spirit, like the Tocorime.

Beach at Mamangua, Brazil
A Beach leading to the Mamangua hiking trail in Brazil


I can’t do justice to the Tocorime story myself, so if you’re curious to read more about Markus Lehmann and other people who built this ship in the Amazon, visit the website at