I’ll admit I avoided visiting the Grand Canyon on a number of occasions.
Something so big and so constantly revered as an iconic landscape was sure to disappoint, right? I finally gave in on a road trip from Phoenix this year and will admit the landscape was colourful, imposing and impressive all at once. The views were great to make this my third favourite National Park in the US.
However, what made my Grand Canyon trip most enjoyable was visiting at the end of April. Why? No crowds! Even the staff working there said this was the best time of year to go. The shuttle bus rides I took were often empty, the trails I hiked were quiet, even the walkway along the south rim Crater seemed deserted at times.
This couple were two of only a handful of people I came across one morning. I can’t imagine visiting during the mid-summer crowds – I know I wouldn’t have enjoyed it nearly as much.
The Maldives Islands are one of those rare travel destinations that can live up to the label of ‘paradise’, but for most people they’re out of reach either because they’re so far away or cost so much to visit.
Local fishing Boat near Thinadhoo Island in the Vaavu Atoll, Maldives
If you can fore go the extreme luxury treatment and pampering, then there is a lesser-known adventurous way to enjoy the islands at a very affordable price. What is even better? You don’t have to be a couple on your honeymoon to enjoy the affordable Maldives.
Taking a Maldives Dhoni Cruise is not only the most affordable way to visit the islands, it is also the only way to explore around some of the more remote atolls and uninhabited islands. To put it in perspective, spending 36 hours at one of the nice (not ultra luxury) Maldives resorts costs as much as a 7-day cruise.
Many fishing boats are still built by hand in the Maldives Islands
There are a few suppliers out there, Voyages Maldives has a solid reputation and was the company I was with. You can book direct with them, although if you don’t mind giving up some privacy, you can book an organized tour from them via G Adventures. The Voyages Maldives crew was amazing and made the trip a real cultural experience too, not just a relaxing escape to the Indian Ocean.
My Cruising Safari Boat in the Maldives Islands
With a four person crew and an amazing chef on board for just me and the six other boat guests it was an extremely chilled out tour. Sure, the rooms were a bit cramped and hot, but there were three bathrooms between us and a ton of deck space to lounge around or enjoy some card games, watch the sun set or drink some beers.
That last point may be a big one for some people. The Maldives is a dry country. No alcohol allowed. The entire main island of Male’ is alcohol-free. The only places you can drink alcohol are at the resorts or on a boat safari. Be prepared to disconnect too, as you won’t have TV’s or internet while cruising around most of the islands.
Watching the sun set from our Safari Boat in the Maldives
Every day was full of laughs and surprises on the Maldives cruise safari, with multiple snorkelling expeditions every day. The colourful fish and reefs we visited were more impressive than anything I’d seen in places like Belize, the Galapagos and Malaysia. Part of what made it extra special was the near fish-like capabilities of our boat captain and guide. They were both so at home in the water that they could free-dive down to insane depths and hold their breath for minutes at a time. Leave it to them to find all the hiding spots for the most elusive sharks, eels, rays and fish!
Snorkelling near an uninhabited island, Vaavu Atoll, Maldives
Our cook would always greet us with some tea and either fresh coconut slices or chocolate cake after our snorkels too. Luxury? No. Pampered? We thought so! Spicy, spicy was the name of the game for lunches and dinners. If you like hot food, then you’d love some of the meals in the Maldives, where we’d usually have a spicy and plain version of each salad we had. While we did have some chicken and meat, the big thing – not surprisingly – was fish.
Getting ready for Lunch in the middle of the Indian Ocean
In fact, we had more than one lunch disrupted as our fishing lines trailing the boat had caught huge deep sea fish. The crew would spring into action to haul in the fish, which would become that night’s dinner or tomorrow’s lunch. I have no idea what most of the fish were that we caught but they were big and they were tasty.
Trips to some of the smaller inhabited islands were a real treat too. The islands that are home to people of the Maldives, not resorts. We had to get special permission from the local chief to visit these islands and see where local children went to school, how people lived on the islands and what they did for entertainment. The Muslim influence was quite evident, but the people were surprisingly outgoing as well.
A Small Shop on one of the Villager Islands in the Maldives
The further north we went, the less touristy the islands became and I loved it. Fewer and fewer resort islands, more and more traditional islands where they still built wood boats, fished for a living and everyone owned their own patch of coconut trees. This was the real Maldives, not the Maldives found in glossy honeymoon magazines. Probably the most relaxing trip I’ve taken anywhere in the world.
Simple Village Life in the Maldives - Notice the Coconut Trees are painted Blue or White, so people know who owns them
If you’re thinking of visiting the Maldives, here are some helpful travel tips.
First, don’t forget alcohol isn’t permitted. Your luggage does get checked and alcohol gets confiscated. If you’re transiting through the Maldives, you can usually have your alcohol stored away at the airport so you can pick it up when you leave.
Second, the airport is on it’s own island and you cannot arrive without a hotel or accommodation booking. They won’t let you leave the airport until you’ve booked something. If your cruise or resort stay doesn’t start on the day you arrive, you do have a few options.
Enjoying a Game of Beach Volleyball on a Private Island in the Maldives
There is one hotel on the airport island called the Hulhule Island Hotel, which is convenient but pricey. There are many hotels on Male’ Island, which is a quick 10 minute ferry ride away (ferry taxis run at all hours). Some of them such as the Mookai Hotel are safe, simple and affordable. Or there are a few resort islands within a 30 minute fast ferry ride of the airport. Most resorts only run their shuttle ferries or helicopter transfers during daytime hours so if you need to go far and are arriving at night you’ll need to use one of these other options.
Third, don’t forget to bring a weaterproof camera with you! They really aren’t that expensive and will provide you with some stunning photos above and below the water.
Returning by Dinghy after a Snorkel Trip in the Maldives
Finally, especially if you take a safari or cruise in the Maldives, is bring your own snorkel equipment. While it is provided, you are in the water so often that ensuring you have fins, a mask and snorkel that fit properly is crucial and well worth the hassle of packing them in your luggage.
Orang-utan is a word that is actually composed of two Malay language words orang (person) and hutan (forest). This is where their nickname of ‘Man of the Forest’ originates from.
96.4% genetically human, these are the only great apes of Asia and they are only found on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra.
The Bornean Orangutan is listed as endangered, as habitat destruction has had a devastating impact on their numbers in the wild. I saw three of them near the Kinabatangan River in Sabah, Borneo but they were all very far away. The most accessible and reliable way to see Orangutans in Borneo is by visiting the Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilition Centre.
The first photo below is of a rehab Orangutan at Sepilok, the second is a wild Orangutan near the Kinabatangan River.
Young Orangutan eating a banana at Sepilok
A Wild Orangutan in a distant tree, about 100m from the Kinabatangan River
**Now updated with Travel Match Map 4, only 8 Destinations Remain!**
The first-ever Travel Match happened on Twitter in early 2010. Almost every week since then there has been a competition to see which country was most desirable to travel addicts on Twitter.
Here we’ll show the progression of each round as the world slowly fades to grey and only one green country will be left. Any predictions as to which destination will be the final winner?
Be sure to follow the #TravelMatch hashtag on twitter and cast your votes!
Travel Match Map 1: Open to Everywhere!
The stage was set! In a countdown that will last nearly 2.5 years and include more than 110 matches, the #TravelMatch showdowns begin with Mozambique taking on Mongolia and Morocco in Match #1. All matches are winner takes all, moving on to the next round. You lose once, you’re gone for good.
#TravelMatch Map 1: All Green, before the Competitions Began
Travel Match Map 2: After Round One
Every single country and many extra destinations squared off in a round of 72 Travel Matches. More than 240 destinations around the world were included in the competitions. A number of big travel destinations had surprising losses, while the small, remote islands proved they’re high on most people’s travel bucket lists.
There are 24 matches in Round Two, with three destinations per match. When the dust settles these 24 winners will be one step closer to winning it all!
Matches for round two will be running until April 2012, so follow me on Twitter @redhunttravel and watch the #TravelMatch hashtag for updates.
Update: The Round Two matches are over, here are the finalists moving on to Round Three!
#TravelMatch Map 3: The 24 Destinations Moving on to Round Three
The 24 destinations moving on to round three are: Antarctica, Bhutan, Brazil, Cuba, Curaçao, Ethiopia, Faroe Islands, Gabon, Galapagos Islands, Hungary, India, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Madagascar, Montenegro, Mozambique, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Switzerland, Tibet, Trinidad & Tobago, Turkey, Uganda, Vanuatu.
Travel Match Map 4: After Round Three
From June – August 2012, the 8 Travel Match finalists were chosen on Twitter. The map is below!
The Eight Travel Match Quarter-Finalists have been chosen!
The 8 destinations moving on to round four and the quarter-finals are: Antarctica, Bhutan, Brazil, Cuba, Ethiopia, Faroe Islands, Galapagos Islands, Tibet.
Create Your Own Travel Maps
These maps are images taken from maps I created using the handy Where I’ve Been tool! You can create your own maps of places you’d like to visit, where you’ve been and where you’ve lived. You can even include cities too. Their maps can be linked up to your Facebook profile or embedded onto your website or blog.
The Galapagos Islands are one of the world’s most fascinating destinations for wildlife lovers, largely because of the endemic and unique wildlife.
Even the birds are different here. Booby birds might be fun and whimsical, but I thought the Swallow-tailed gull was pretty cool too. Considering how relatively dull the seagulls are at home around Toronto, the head and eye colouring of these guys stood out for me. This photo I enjoyed the most, capturing one just as it was taking flight at South Plaza Island in the Galapagos.
They breed almost exclusively in the Galapagos Islands and can also be found along the coast of Peru and Ecuador when it isn’t breeding season.
Swallow-Tailed Gull taking flight in the Galapagos Islands