Colour makes pictures pop and the TravelSupermarket Capture the Colour Photo Contest is responsible for many amazingly bright and beautiful image posts right now. It was Mariellen Ward at Breathe Dream Go who tagged me to participate in this contest, so I’m happy to share these five photos with you.
If you want to check out all the rules and details for this fun contest (yes, there are prizes to be won!) visit:
Alright, let’s get to the fun stuff…my humble entries into the world of capturing colour.
This is one of the Emerald Lakes, which come into view after passing Red Crater on the Tongariro Alpine Crossing in New Zealand.

Well, hello there little lantern gecko. The gecko inside this lantern had it’s own private buffet of bugs. Flying insects would be attracted to the light and he’d be quick to gobble them up.

A bird known for it’s blue feet, being chosen for a white image? Indeed, sometimes you have to look beyond the obvious to find a fun, or different, photo. A little fact about the blue-footed booby bird: Males have smaller pupils than the females! (This is a male.)

No boobies here, just a lone snorkeller passing by in paradise. A fairly classic image – bright blue skies and brighter blue waters in the Maldives.

Some Canadian colour. The Boreal forest turns into a blanket of red, orange and yellow during the autumn. A beautiful time of year for hiking and enjoying nature.

Now for the extra-fun part. Nominating some other photo-friendly bloggers. Show us what you’ve got guys!
Cristina at
Ian at
Allison at
Dani at
Karin & Kieran at