Groundhogs are a type of marmot characterized as furry, lowland creatures that can be found across a large part of US and Canada. They’re also called Woodchucks sometimes!
Close to home, in Ontario, Groundhogs are the main ‘hole-digging’ animal, creating underground burrows and homes for themselves – but also subsequently providing shelter for other animals like foxes, rabbits, skunks and raccoons.
They’re famously known from the movie ‘Groundhog Day’ and the myth that if a Groundhog sees its shadow on Groundhog Day (Febraury 2nd) then there will be six more weeks of winter. If the Groundhog does not see it’s shadow that day, then it will be an early spring.
Groundhogs can swim very well and climb with ease, but tend to spend almost all of their time on land, or in their burrows.