Southern what?
Well, some people call it an Antbear. Still confused?
How about an Anteater! Ah ha, this here is most commonly known as the Lesser Anteater, being much smaller than it’s giant relative.
The Southern Tamandua ranges from the northern tip of South America all the way down through most of Brazil and into the northern parts of Argentina.
At home in dry or wet areas, this particular Collared Anteater (just another name…more confusion!) was spotted in the Pantanal wetlands of Brazil.
While it isn’t a remarkably great photo, it was the only anteater I saw in Brazil as they can be elusive. This photo shows the long, pointy head of the anteater, which gives it it’s name. The anteater uses a long tongue to slurp up ants and termites after it breaks open a nest or mound with it’s big front claws.