So, who is the coolest cat of them all? This list of six big cats represents the biggest, smartest and coolest cats around the world.
Of all the wild cats I’ve seen on my travels, I’ve only seen one from this list – the Lion. Looks like I have to plan some more feline friendly travels? See if your favourite cat made the list.

#6 Mountain Lion (Puma concolor)
You don’t need to travel anywhere exotic to come in contact with a potentially lethal big cat. The Cougar, Panther and Mountain Lion are all the same animal – roaming across the wild areas of the Americas. From the Rocky Mountains to the Andes in South America these are extremely elusive cats that are capable of hunting big prey like Moose, Elk or Deer. Chances of seeing one are slim as they’re weary of humans and prefer to avoid any contact.
#5 Lion (Panthera leo)
Lions used to live in various locations around the world, but now wild lions are only found in Africa and India. The “King of the Jungle” is known for its distinctive mane and strong roar, a key component of big cats. What many people don’t know is that the Asiatic Lion can be found in India. Only around 400 of them remain, so it is an endangered animal and can only be seen in the Gir Forest in Gujarat, India. Over in Africa, the lion is listed as a vulnerable species, but ranges across much of Southern and Eastern Africa still.

#4 Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus)
The Cheetah is the fastest of all land animals, travelling at speeds upwards of 100km/hour. How can they run so fast? Well they have semi-retractable claws, enlarged nostrils, lungs and hearts that increase their running capabilities. Quite slender in appearance, these long-legged cat weighs in at 90-140 pounds. They are a vulnerable species that are found primarily in Africa and parts of the Middle East.
#3 Snow Leopard (Uncia uncia)
The elusive and endangered Snow Leopard is a close second to the Cheetah for biggest small cat. For its environment, the mountain ranges of Central and Southern Asia, it is a big cat, weighing 77-121 pounds. White in winter and brown in summer, their fur is probably the best camouflaged of any of the big cats, adding to their elusiveness and stealth capabilities. To endure cold winters, its proportionately large tail doubles as a scarf!
#2 Siberian Tiger (Panthera tigris altaica)
This is the largest cat on the planet, with males weighing in at as much as 800 pounds. The Siberian Tiger is critically endangered with only about 500 left in the wild. The remaining Tigers reside in Northern Asia and Russia. It has larger feet than most tigers to navigate through snow, and has brown rather than black stripes, just to be different!
#1 Jaguar (Panthera onca)
This is the third largest cat, and one of only four “roaring” cats from the panthera genus. It is also the least threatened species on this list. Typically weighing between 124-211 pounds, some have been recorded at more than 300 pounds. This compactly built cat excels at climbing, swimming and crawling. Currently, they live in a range of places from Mexico to Northern Argentina. Jaguars are highly successful hunters with sleek features and are sometimes rumoured to be the only big cat that kills for “fun”.
While these may be my favourite six big cats, the Leopard (Panthera pardus), Bobcat (Lynx rufus) and Ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) are also pretty amazing wild cats.
Like the compilation of the top 6 list. Surely have seen most of them. Will like to see the mountain lion though 🙂 Tiger should be on this list too but for that you need to organise a trip to India – nice post and thanks for sharing
Abhishek Behl (Wild Navigator) recently posted..World’s Largest Wetlands; It’s the Pantanal
Thanks Abhishek! It was hard to choose only one Tiger and one Leopard species for this list. But I think the Snow Leopard and Siberian Tiger deserved the selection. I’d love to visit India one day in search of Asiatic Lions and Bengal Tigers.