High up in the trees of Borneo, above the flying birds and climbing monkeys, is the most impressive Canopy Walk I’ve taken.

Massively long swinging bridges, connected to enormous trees create what is supposedly one of the largest Canopy Walkways in the world.
Gunung Mulu National Park in Borneo is home to a lush forest, where creep crawlies abound and odd bugs seem to appear out of nowhere. Everything seems alive! Sticks start moving (stick bugs) and leaves start crawling (leaf bugs). Even the squirrels here can fly.

So, with so much going on, being able to rise high above the forest and get a birds eye view of the action is a great way to appreciate just how dense and impressive this forest is.

Immensely tall trees make up the pillars for all of the Canopy Walk in Mulu. There are no safety harnesses here or required guides. Once you’re approved to climb to the canopy, you’re on your own. So if you have a fear of heights…you might want to skip this activity!

Climbing to dizzying heights, this Canopy Walk quickly surpassed those I’ve done in Canada and Costa Rica. You could see more wildlife here and having the walkway built into the trees of the forest meant you’re not walking along some huge metal contraptions that seem out of place.
Colourful birds, like Hornbills, would fly by without a care and monkeys would meander through the trees beneath me. Orchids and all sorts of odd vegetation grow up in the canopy as well, so much diversity! What a great way to wander around a forest.

Definitely a highlight from my travels to Mulu. The park is famously known for it’s impressive caves, but if you head here, don’t skip out on the Canopy Walk. A big two thumbs up to this one.

I’m terrified of heights and I will never zipline, but I would have to do this! A great way to get up close to this unique habitat (to actually look, not to zip right by). Also I love insects… looks like a fascinating place!
Cassie recently posted..Foto Friday | New Species Discovered in the Galapagos
Ha, that’ awesome Cassie…it really is fun. One of the guys I went with was terrified of heights too. He did freak out a couple of times during the canopy walk, but survived 😉 If you’re an insect lover…then Borneo will be a dream come true for you!
I’m terrified of heights, but I think I would do that; the key for me is the high protective netting on the sides. Although if it’s very rickety and swingy, I might have some hesitation, I guess. Also, if there are lots of spiders up there, that would be a deterrent to me . . .
Harvey (H-Bomb’s Worldwide Karaoke) recently posted..Touring Egypt, part 2: staring across the abyss of time in Giza
Didn’t see any spiders up there Harvey…so I think you’re safe 😉
Very nice! I love those stupid bugs. They are the weirdest things.
Natalia | Always Trekking recently posted..Accidentally on Purpose – Engrish in Korea
Hi! This is something my husband and I would like to do when in Borneo next April. Can you tell me who you book this through, how you get to the national park and where do you need to be staying for easiest access, ie Kuching, Kota Kinabalu????? Thanks
Hey Cath,
If you visit the Gunung Mulu park website they have information about the Royal resort and the cheaper dorm rooms you can stay at (right at the park). there are flights from Miri every day I believe, which would be the quickest way to get here or flights from Kuching or KK are also possible to Mulu.