From the moment I stepped off the plane, the Maldives Islands were calling to me. I flew in from Sri Lanka and was looking forward to some rest and relaxation.
I’m not one to sit at a resort for very long, so venturing out to remote islands and doing some snorkelling every day was a big lure for me to get to the Maldives.

You can’t help but have a smile on your face when your daily itinerary is something like this:
Wake up to a beautiful sunrise. Eat fresh fruit for breakfast. Jump in the water and go snorkelling. Come back and drink tea and eat chocolate cake. Go snorkelling again. Catch fish. Eat fish. Enjoy a drink while watching the sun set. Repeat.

What I loved most about snorkelling in the Maldives was that we’d just motor on to some random sandbar in the middle of nowhere and jump in the water. Then within minutes we’d have beautiful fish circling around, or sharks or eels or rays swimming by.
It wasn’t all big reefs and tons of coral, just amazing clear blue waters and colourful fish that were the attraction. Although there were some cool corals and reefs too, ha! The water was so warm too! My guides were pretty awesome too, pointing out rays or fish in hiding places that I might have otherwise snorkelled by without noticing.

Fun times in the Maldives, and my boat safari as they call it was much cheaper than a traditional resort stay in these islands. More than twice the fun at less than half the price is the way I looked at it.
My only regret from my adventure in the Maldives? Having a crappy underwater camera! I wish I had my new GoPro with me when I was there…maybe I need to return to get some better photos?

I think my biggest snorkel highlight during my days in the Maldives was seeing my first pufferfish! They are so cool when they are blown up. The sea turtles and lionfish were pretty cool too. Despite a bunch of “dangerous” creatures around, there was only one time when we had to change snorkel locations because of too many jellyfish. But, in the Maldives there is always another great snorkel spot nearby!